Phase 1 is structured around a thorough capacity review that engages stakeholders

We start by reviewing documents and data, facilitating focus groups and interviews, and surveying internal and external stakeholders.

Documents and Data

  • Historical and disaggregated achievement data

  • Key data including: student attendance and behavior, staffing hiring/retention rates

  • Organizational chart(s) and roles

  • Graduate profiles

  • Equity plans

  • Any previous strategic plan(s)

Focus Groups /Interviews

  • Board members

  • Superintendent

  • Cabinet

  • District leaders and managers

  • School Administrators

  • Teachers

  • Support staff

  • Community leaders

  • Students

  • Families/Caregivers

Survey Respondents

  • Students

  • Staff

  • Teachers

  • Family

  • Community and non-school staff

We recognize the importance of an inclusive, representative process to build community support

More “out-of-the-box” approaches:

  • Shadowing students

  • Targeted empathy interviews (for students and families)

  • Place-based survey distribution

  • Town Halls (can be in person or virtual for maximum participation)

  • ThoughtExchange or Padlet

To ensure an inclusive process, we recommend tagging on to existing stakeholder events:

  • Joining staff meetings to gather staff input

  • Utilizing student “advisory” periods for student activities

  • Having a QR code to complete the survey at events where families are present (e.g., sporting events)

  • Incentives are also great!

Note that all of these can be conducted virtually in addition to in-person and conducted in multiple languages to allow for greater participation.